Remember kid, heros get remembered, but legends never die.

Ahh one of my most favorite things in the world…MOVIES! I don’t know how someone could even begin to talk about movies on just one post. I have got way too many favorites it’s not even funny. The title of this post is a quote from what movie? You may have it on the tip of your tongue like my roommate just did. Like her, you may have also failed miserably to come up with name. I will give you a hint. Well more than a hint, I’m going to give you a picture!

heros get remembered

Still don’t know? How can you not guess from this picture!? Okay I’ll tell you. It’s THE SANDLOT. Congrats if you got it after the picture. Double congrats if you got it before the picture! And if you were like my roommate and didn’t get it at all, well then no congrats you idiot, brush up on your movie quotes.

I love throwing quotes out there to see if people get my references. Sometimes they don’t, and then I struggle to explain myself without looking like a complete wack job. Usually it does not end in my favor either way, but ehh what’s a girl to do?

On a happier note (not really, just trying to get your hopes up so I can crush them ;)) My roommate and I watched a fantastic (and by fantastic I mean strangely funny and odd and cheesy and not really that great all at the same time) movie last night. It’s name, The Forger, starring Josh Hutcherson and Hayden Panettiere. What a strange movie. We were looking on Netflix for a movie and thought, “Hey we like forgers (like Neal Caffrey) so chances are we will probably like this movie titled: The Forger” WRONG. Neal Caffrey and Joshua (weirdly enough he has the same name in real life…this always strikes me as odd) are NOTHING ALIKE. I like to think that Neal has got real talent and puts it to good use whereas Joshua just dicks around and does nothing with his talent. If I could draw/paint/forge like these two, gosh I don’t think I would ever work or go to school again! I would become a college dropout and TRAVEL THE WORLD (with Neal Caffrey himself of course).

I mean lets be real. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful man. (Another post to come on White Collar I can promise you that!) Also, I have seen a man just as beautiful in his own way and he is currently the background to my phone. His name is Chris Hemsworth, although some of you may know him as Thor or Jedd (Red Dawn). What a badass. I don’t know many men that can pull off the short and long haired look, both me and my roommate agree on this. 🙂

Anyway! Got off track a bit…Neal does that to me sometimes. Back to the weird movie that I don’t know if I liked…there was one quote that I found to be REALLY cheesy but REALLY cute at the same time. It is as follows.

Words to live by fellas, words to live by. Although my roommate doesn’t have the same love of movies as I do…just kidding she does. Usually we are the ones that constantly watch movies together. I have a problem though, I like way too many movies, even if they’re super cheesy and annoying, I still like them! Where I draw the line? Scary movies. I do not particularly enjoy scary movies. Some suspenseful ones I can do, but not usually. I hide in the bathroom like a little baby. Uhg. What are you going to do? Anyways. I could watch movies all day long and not feel bad about myself at all. On that note…

Have a great Sunday, y’all! (y’all=my attempt at being southern..)

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